INJIL [Gospel]

It is a divine scripture from allah [exalted is he! ] which was revealed to sayyiduna 'isa [peace be upon him ]. it was revealed on the 18th of ramadan. it was revealed 1050 years after the revelation of the zabur [psalms]. it has many verses prophesying sayyiduna muhammad [prayers and peace be upon him ]and describing his characteristics. it has undergone extreme tampering at the hands of the christians. sayyiduna 'isa [peace be upon him ] was born in bethlehem. it is situated at a distance of 8 miles from the holy land in jerusalem. there have been 4000 prophets between the time of sayyiduna musa and  sayyiduna 'isa [peace be upon them]. each one of them was a guardian and preacher of the law of sayyiduna musa [peace be upon him ]. from the famous miracles of sayyiduna 'isa [peace be upon him ] is giving life to birds of clay.



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