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Feng Shui in rooms of Residential spaces

 Feng Shui tips for Bedroom:-


  1. Wooden beds are the best; make sure that they are of high quality wood. Wood is not hollow and anything hollow signifies weakness.
  2. Buy a bed with a solid wooden headboard as it signifies strong foundation 
  3. Place the bed’s headboard against a wall; a headboard should always take the support of the wall
  4. Place the bed in such a way that you can see the bedroom's entrance
  5. Place identical lamps on either side of bed; this also represents equality which is essential for a good Feng Shui.
  6. Hang paintings portraying happiness, enjoyment and good times, because if you see happy things, you feel happy. 
  7. Make sure that the bedroom receives ample sunlight and fresh air.
  1. Avoid clutter in bedroom. Clutter promotes negative energy ‘Si Qi'.
  2. Avoid placing bed right in front of bedroom’s door as it promotes poison arrow?
  3. Never align a bed to any corner of the bedroom.
  4. Avoid bed placement in front of bathroom/washroom door.
  5. Avoid having AC vent directly behind the bed. Ac vent exchanges air with the outside air, so probably all the positivity will go out.
  6. Never place bed under a beam or below a staircase.
  7. Make sure there’s no window behind the bed. If there’s no choice, then use double cell blinds for that window. Don’t use mini blinds.
  8. Make sure there’s no window behind the bed. If there’s no choice, then use double cell blinds for that window. Don’t use mini blinds.
  9. Avoid metal beds; also avoid beds with storage. Basically avoid everything hollow.
  10. Don’t buy bed having “vertical bars” design headboard. Avoid sharp edges of dressing table or other furniture towards bed.
  11. None of the mirrors must reflect your body while lying on bed. If there’s no option, then cover the mirror while lying on bed.
  12. Avoid hanging items such as huge chandelier or anything heavy above the bed.
  13. Avoid plants, fishes or other life form in bedroom.
  14.  Avoid work desk, exercise gear etc. in bedroom.
Feng Shui tips for Bathroom:-
  • South-East: – Since South-East part of a house is related to wealth, a bathroom in this part will drain away all the money from the house; joblessness, sinking income, increasing debt and even bankruptcy are some effects of South-East bathroom.
  • North-West: – The North-West part of the house deals with helpful people and luck from heaven, a toilet in this part will drain away all those from you. No help from anyone, backstabbing, office politics, discredit etc. are some effects of North-West bathroom.
  • Always keep the bathroom door closed.
  • Keep the toilet lid closed.
  • Replace any torn curtains with new ones.
  • Bathroom clean, fresh and airy.
  • The bathroom receives ample sunlight and fresh air. How will you flourish in darkness anyways!
  • Keep windows, ventilators and doors of bathroom clean. Place a mirror on the door of the bathroom, this’ll make the “Qi” bounce back into the house/room and not enter the bathroom or toilet
If there’s a bathroom in North-East or South-West, then;
  1. Hang a metallic wind chime in the bathroom.
  2. No Chinese symbols on the chime.
  3. No one passes or sits under the wind chime.
  4. Metallic colour rugs such as gold, silver or grey; circular shaped ones.
If there’s a bathroom in South then;
  1. Hang a crystal ball in the window of the bathroom; the rainbow lights from the crystal will reduce the bad fire energy.
  2. Cleanse the crystal ball as it’s going to absorb negative energy otherwise.
  3. Place square shaped skin colour rug; you can also opt for yellow, pink or chocolate brown colour ones.
If there’s a bathroom in North then;
  1. Some lush green houseplants in the bathroom.
  2. Square shaped rug in shades of green.

If there’s a bathroom in East or South-East then;
  1. Light candles in the bathroom.
  2. Triangular rugs in shades of red are best for such a bathroom.
If there’s a bathroom in West or North-West then;
  1. Just place a bowl with water in the bathroom.
  2. Place blue shaded rug; if possible, get a wavy shaped one.
  • Avoid mirrors reflecting toilet seats. It is sure going to bounce the negativeenergy all around.
  • Avoid leaking taps and faucets; replace them immediately.
  • Replace broken items, such as, soap dispensers, shampoo bottles etc.
  • Don’t keep old and worn-out toothbrushes in bathroom.
  • Avoid a bathroom or toilet at the centre of home.
  • Avoid bathroom door facing bedroom, kitchen, and dining room.
  • Avoid bathroom in front, near or adjacent to house entrance. So what to do if you have an existing house as your site where the bathroom is already there in front of the rooms or adjacent to main door:-
  1. Always keep the bathroom door closed.
  2. Focus on good Feng Shui in your main entry. Few ways to do that is to find out which colours and shapes are good for the main entry.
  3. Create a strong, welcoming "landing space" for good energy.
  • Never have a bathroom above kitchen or main door.
  • Avoid locating a bathroom or toilet under staircases. The area below staircase is as it is a negative energy area. If you have a bathroom located under a staircase, you'll need to take steps to address this challenging feng shui situation. Both areas require special attention to enhancing good feng shui.
  • Keep the stairs well lit and in good repair.
  • Use light colours for the staircase.
  • Position a crystal chandelier at the bottom of the staircase for good feng shui.
  • Keep the door to the bathroom closed at all times
  • Decorate the bathroom in colours appropriate for its sector.
  • Never place metallic wind chimes in North, North-West or West bathroom.
  • Never try to place metallic things in the South-East bathroom; it’ll drain away all the money from house.
Feng Shui tips for Living Room:-

  1. The living room must be roomy, comfy and pleasing.
  2. It must receive ample sun light and must be ventilated.
  3. Place the sofa against a solid wall; it doesn’t need to touch the wall; you can keep 1-2 inches’ distance
  4. While sitting on the main sofa, you must be able to see the main door. If entrance isn’t visible, then use a mirror to see the door.
  • Place a bowl with crystals, coins, and various wealth symbols on coffee table.
  • If there’s a beautiful landscape outside your home, then hang a mirror in such a way that it reflects that landscape. This brings in the positive Qi energy.
  • Hang images, posters or pictures that are lively and positive such as a pleasant landscape or smiling faces etc.
  • Make sure to cover the TV screen when it’s off else it becomes a sort of mirror which is not good as it shows your reflection and invited negative energy.
So we have seen what is good and what is not good for a living room, now let us see how your existing living room can be made better:-

For North side of living room
  1. An aquarium in North brings wealth & auspicious opportunities.
  2. Keep eight red and one black fish in aquarium.
  3. Square or rectangular shaped aquariums are best; round ones will also do.
  4. A water fountain in North also attracts wealth and luck.
  5. The fountain must flow towards the room and not outwards.
  6. Hang picture of beautiful water body such as meandering river or a boat/ship sailing (make sure the boat/ship sails in to the room).
  7. Try to use black and blue colors in North.
  8. TV in North attracts good luck in career.
For South side of living room
  1. Place candles, wood furniture and other wooden décor items.
  2. You can locate a fire place in South.
  3. Try to use more of red, pink, orange, and green colors.
  4. Place TV or plants to get fame and respect.

For East and South-East side of living room
  1. Put wood items like picture frames, lamps, book shelves etc.
  2. Hang coins tied with red ribbon in East corner (brings wealth & money).
  3. Hang dragon painting (looking in to the house) on East wall to bring wealth.
  4. Place dragon headed tortoise with coin in its mouth in SE corner (this brings wealth).
  5. Place a three legged money toad in SE; it brings money and wealth.
  6. Use more of green and brown colors in East or SE.
  7. Plants in SE bring wealth and money.
  8. Plants in East direction attract health.
  9. Keeping an aquarium in SE attracts wealth and luck.
For West and North-West side of living room
  1. Keep metal décor objects such as bowls and trays.
  2. Put metal figurines, furniture, candle holders, photo frames etc.
  3. Use blue, gray, gold, tan, and bronze colors.
  4. A family picture in metal frame on West wall brings luck
For North-East and South-West side of living room
  1. You can place crystals and other minerals objects.
  2. Keep pottery and ceramics, such as show pieces, pots, bowls etc.
  3. Mustard, clay, brown, tan and russet toned colors are best.
  4. Cut glass and hand-blown glass objects can be kept.
  5. A fire place in SW enhances romance and love.
  6. A fire place in NE helps in peaceful thinking; also brings luck in education.
  • Avoid windows behind the main sofa.
  • Never place the sofa under a beam; this brings head related medical troubles.
  • Avoid L shaped sofas as they will produce poison arrow.
  • Avoid aquarium or anything related to water in South, West or NW.
  1. Any mirror shouldn’t reflect clutter, dirt or anything negative as thatnegativity will be attracted to your home.
  • Avoid placing mirrors in South and West walls.
  • Avoid fire place in North, West, NW and SE of your Feng Shui living room.
  • Make sure that your image isn’t seen in the mirror while you’re standing at any door.
  • Avoid hanging pictures that depict negative.
  • Avoid keeping any plants in North, SW or NE of living room.
  • Avoid clutter and mess in living room.
  • Avoid having a door directly facing the door of living room.
  • Avoid turbulent or rough sea paintings as they depict struggle. 
         The most common mistake that designers do is forget telling people about Feng Shui and what all it can do to bring in good energy and corrective measures. You don’t have to convince them; you just have to tell them about it. The client saying yes is not important but what is important is that they understand that you actually want to help them and not just market all these things.


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