Feng Shui Tips For Home Garden

Feng Shui Tips For Home Garden

         We can add colors to our garden with the colors and shapes of the different plants and trees present there, because feng shui is all about the elements in which metal also has a place, there are specific remedies for balancing different metals to create positive energy flow.

For example:- a north-facing garden must have a rock garden inside the permise and flowers should be of light color. fengshui-supported flower colors for the north-faced garden are silvers, yellow, grey, white, and cream. some water features like a fountain or pond and with it some bright colored plants. feng-shui recommends orange, red, yellow, and other bright colors for the south corner of your garden as these colors are placed.

         South creates a favorable situation for attracting fame and social recognition for the garden owner. similarly, scented flowers should be planted on the north side of the garden as this side is accounted for the area of attracting helpful friends.

       Every plant has its distinct shape and a special color for example, one element is wood and its example is tall and woody plants the right place to put them up is the southern part of your garden however, the size of these trees should never obstruct the view of the house from the road and tall trees should never be placed in front of the main entrance.

      Along with colored flowers, in the south sector of a garden, you should place plants or plant pots with square or rectangular leaves. Round-shaped plants are best recommended for the northern side of a garden as this shape the north attracts the flow of money. the plants of this corner must be of dark green shade or with grey-shaded flowers. creepers and vines are good for the northern side as they attract/promote career and luck. whenever you put any creeper make sure that it does not grow in a downward direction, as this can cause depression and negative growth.

        According to feng shui, there are five elements on the planet; these are fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. all these five elements are present in a garden and they must be supported by some specific favorable shape and supportive colors.

  1. Fire elements: Red, orange, and purple colors with a triangle shape are the most supportive for encouraging family happiness. calla lily, iris, birch trees spruce trees are best.
  2. Earth elements: Yellow color supports the element best and square shapes. leaves are the most appropriate for earthy corners. balance in earth's elements, according to feng shui, attracts stability, and social security. Best suitable plants:- rose, poppy, boxwood, and juniper.
  3. Metal elements: The most supportive plant shape is round, supportive colors are pastel and white, and it helps in retaining wisdom, and good control, and attracts acceptance. Best suitable plants:- lavenders and golden thistles are the best supportive plants.
  4. Water elementsCurved-shaped tall leaves are the best supportive plants for water elements. supportive color for water elements is blue, which is best represented by plants like wisteria, butterfly bush, and hosta. the right balance in water elements attracts optimism, relaxation, and peace of mind.
  5. Wood elements: This is best balanced by the vertical shape of green leaves and green tall plants, and balanced wood elements encourage dreams, growth, and positivity.

Some Designing Tips 
Do's And Don'ts
  • A very common mistake that people make is not to recognize the right feng shui elements because of which people often buy duplicate stuffy and design things that will have no effect whatsoever. therefore, it is very important to study about this science before implementing it.
  • Don't be under the impression that just because you have applied Feng Shui in your kitchen and home gardens, accidents can't happen or plants won't die. everything has a life of its own and feng shui can't stop that, what it can surely do is make your home favorable for you!


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