Vastu Shastra Tips For Study Room

 Vastu Shastra Tips For Study Room

Do's for the study room 

  • The best direction to study & place the room is on the house's northeast, east, or west side.
  • An individual studying should always face the east or north direction while studying.
  • One should also ensure that the room is well-lit & the person is not facing a blank wall or a window while studying.
  • Even though having a bathroom in the study room is fine, one should avoid placing a toilet.
  • Additionally, the bookshelf in the study room should be placed on the southern or western side of the room.
  • The study table is concerned, it should always be in a square or a rectangle shape to obtain maximum gains.
  • The ratio of the length & the width should not be more than 1:2 (for the study table).
  • It is also advisable to place the images of lord Ganesha a goddess Saraswati.
  • To perform well in terms of memorizing study material & increasing concentration, a pyramid can assist you in doing so, this also helps in balancing the energy to yield good results.
  • It is suggested that one should construct windows in such a way, that the big ones are located on the eastern side & the small ones are placed on the western side of the room.
  • The walls should be painted with light colors as it helps to learn & grasp better, rather than using dark shades.
  • If one uses a table lamp to study, it should be placed in the southeast corner of the study table.
  • If one is interested in putting up a clock, then it is suggested to place a wall clock with a pendulum on the north wall of the study room.


Don'ts for the study room 

  • The bookshelf should not be constructed above the study table. rather it should be placed somewhere else.
  • If you do place a computer, avoid keeping it in any direction apart from the southeast corner of the room.
  • The study table should not have any sharp edges as the energy created can harm us with its negativity.
  • Don't at any cost; use black color to paint the walls as this can be inauspicious.
  • It is better to avoid placing a bed in the study room as it may make the child a little lazy & might as well not be able to study effectively.

Some Designing Tips: Do's & Don'ts

           The very big mistake that people make is that they think people who believe in Vastu Shastra are superstitious & this is like black magic that can well, create magic. That is not true; Vastu Shastra is a science that is based on direction, and energy, cosmic energy & scientific factors. every natural factor will remain the same & constant, you will have to change your things according to that.


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