
Showing posts from June, 2024

Feng Shui Tips For Home Garden

Feng Shui Tips For Home Garden           We can add colors to our garden with the colors and shapes of the different plants and trees present there, because feng shui is all about the elements in which metal also has a place, there are specific remedies for balancing different metals to create positive energy flow. For example:- a north-facing garden must have a rock garden inside the permise and flowers should be of light color. fengshui-supported flower colors for the north-faced garden are silvers, yellow, grey, white, and cream. some water features like a fountain or pond and with it some bright colored plants. feng-shui recommends orange, red, yellow, and other bright colors for the south corner of your garden as these colors are placed.          South creates a favorable situation for attracting fame and social recognition for the garden owner. similarly, scented flowers should be planted on the north side of the garden as this side is accounted for the area of attracting helpful

Vastu Tips For Staircase

Vastu Tips For Staircase Things To Do As Per Vastu : It should only be built on the southern or western side of the house otherwise one may suffer from great financial loss. An external staircase can be made in the southeast direction towards the east, southwest towards the west, northwest towards the west, and southwest towards the south. Doing this will provide the inhabitants of the house with an added advantage. Make sure that the number of stairs does not end with an even number and should never end with a zero too. constructing a circular staircase can create problems for the house's health. A room can be viewed as unfavorable if the staircase is in the southwest corner of the basement as this can cause several health issues such as high blood pressure, diseases, anemia, and many more. It is also important to build doors at the beginning and end of each staircase. additionally, construct the stairs in such a manner that they are not easily visible to visitors who come into th

Vastu Shastra Tips For Study Room

 Vastu Shastra Tips For Study Room Do's for the study room  The best direction to study & place the room is on the house's northeast, east, or west side. An individual studying should always face the east or north direction while studying. One should also ensure that the room is well-lit & the person is not facing a blank wall or a window while studying. Even though having a bathroom in the study room is fine, one should avoid placing a toilet. Additionally, the bookshelf in the study room should be placed on the southern or western side of the room. The study table is concerned, it should always be in a square or a rectangle shape to obtain maximum gains. The ratio of the length & the width should not be more than 1:2 (for the study table). It is also advisable to place the images of lord Ganesha a goddess Saraswati. To perform well in terms of memorizing study material & increasing concentration, a pyramid can assist you in doing so, this also helps in balanci

Vastu Shastra Tips For Bathroom & Toilet

     Vastu Tips For Bathroom & Toilet  The toilet & bathroom you build should be separate from the pooja room, kitchen, or under the stairs. It is also advised to keep the bathroom door shut at all times because keeping it open may create issues in your relationship and career. As this place holds negative energy, it is not recommended to keep statutes & images of gods near/on the bathroom door. The commode should be towards the north-south axis of the toilet. Fit a pot in such a manner that the person sitting does not face the east or west direction. It is also suggested to construct the toilet 1-2 feet higher than the ground level. Build your entrance door on the east or north wall as it suggested in the Vastu for bathroom fittings. To add further, one may also place the window, exhaust fan, or space for ventilation in the east, west, or north wall of the bathroom, so that sunlight and fresh air lighten up this space. As far as drainage is concerned, the direction of the

Vastu For The Bedroom

  Avoid placing a mirror or television in front of the bed your reflection must not be seen in a mirror when in bed as it causes a fight. Avoid having a temple, paintings depicting water, or a fountain in the bedroom as it could cause emotional outbursts. While sleeping, the head of a guest should not be facing the north direction. if that does happen, the owner's head should face eastwards or southwards while sleeping. Design your bed in a way that while getting out of bed, one's right foot should touch the ground first and then the left foot. To yield successful outcomes, if one studies in the room, they should face eastwards. Northwest and south serve as ideal orientations for setting up wardrobes, while television sets and heaters should be in the southeast corner. One should avoid placing safes in a bedroom. if in necessary conditions, they can be placed on the wall facing south or in the south direction. The southwest corner of a room should always have some decoration an


उत्तराखण्ड - उत्तराखण्ड हमारे देश का 27वां  नवोदित राज्य है। बारह वर्ष के आंदोलन के बाद उत्तर प्रदेश की विधानसभा ने उत्तराखण्ड राज्य का प्रस्ताव पास कर केन्द्र सरकार को स्वीकृति के लिये भेजा।  9 नवंबर, 2000 को उत्तर प्रदेश से अलग होकर इस राज्य का गठन किया गया तथा देहरादून शहर को इस प्रदेश की राजधानी बनाया गया। हिमालय की गोद में स्थित इस नवगठित राज्य की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता अनूठी है। ऊँची हिमाच्छादित पर्वत चोटियां, घने जंगल, नदी घाटियां, कल-कल करती नदियां, झरने, फूलों से सजी घाटियां आदि एक अनुपम दृश्य प्रस्तुत करती है। ऐसा लगता है की मानो प्रकृति ने इस प्रदेश को बड़ी फुरसत से सजाया - संवारा है।            हिमालय पर्वत की अनुपम सुंदरता की झलक यहां देखी जा सकती है।  हिन्दुओं के लिए उत्तराखण्ड प्रदेश पवित्रतमृ धरा है तथा इसे देवभूमी भी कहते हैं। प्रत्येक हिन्दू अपने जीवन काल में जिन पवित्र स्थलों पर जाकर अपना भूत और भविष्य सुधारना चाहता है वे चारों धाम बद्रीनाथ , केदारनाथ, हरिद्वार और ऋषिकेश इसी प्रदेश में स्थित हैं। इस चार धाम यात्रा मार्ग पर अन्य कई दर्शनीय स्थल हैं। पंच प्रयाग के नाम से प्र

Feng Shui Tips For Kitchen

  Tips You Must Follow Try to place the kitchen towards the back door of the home. Keep the kitchen clean and uncluttered at all times. Keep the kitchen well-lit and ventilated. Face east while cooking in the kitchen. You can have windows in the east or west walls of the kitchen. Make sure to keep lightweight things in the east and north of the kitchen. You can have a sink in the north or northeast of the kitchen. Keep the gas/burner a few inches away from the wall. Keep at least a 1-2 feet distance between stove/burner and kitchen sink. if there are no options place small plants of herbs or something in green color between the stove and sink. you can also place a green color decorative glass panel between stove and sink. Point A applies to refrigerators too; you must keep a 1-2 feet distance between the stove and  refrigerator in the kitchen. Repair all leaking taps and faucets in the kitchen (or anywhere in your house) otherwise' that'll drain away all money and wealth from t